You do not need to input any personal data to browse our website.
Music Fashion Ltd. respects and protects the privacy of those, whose are in connection with us through our website.
Privacy controlled particularly from the following legislation:
· Act C/2003 on Electronic communications.
· Act XLVIII of 2003 and LXIII of 1992 modified with XIX of 2005 on the Protection of personal data and the Disclosure of data of public interest.
· Government legislation 226/2003 (XII. 13.) on the Particular conditions of data management for communications service, the data security for communications service as well as the rules on displaying Caller ID and call forwarding.
· IHM regulation 16/2003 (XII. 27) on electronic communication subscriber contracts and detailed rules for concluding.
Music Fashion Ltd. does not transmit the data managed to any third party under any circumstances, except in cases specified by law.
To prevent unauthorized use and misuse of the data managed, our company uses technical and operational security measures.
Protection of website content
Data, documents, photos, pictures, graphics, diagrams, charts, and any information displayed at our website, including the design displayed at user’s screen, are under protection according to Act LXXVI of 1999 on copyright and Act IV of 1959 on Civil Code.
Accordingly, data, documents, information, pictures, diagrams, charts and graphics displayed on our website can only be used if the Music Fashion Ltd. comment appears as source on each copy of the content as a protected mark of Music Fashion Ltd., and further provided that such use is for the purpose of disseminating information and not for trade or other gainful activity of you, or with your intermediary of any natural or legal third party. Data, documents, information, pictures, diagrams, charts and graphics can only be used without modification.
Protection of trademarks
The Music Fashion name and logo are protected by Act XI of 1997 on trademarks and geographical indication, so only the proprietor has the right to use them and the right to authorize usage. You must refrain from any usage and abuse of our trademarks and logo, as well as using similar or confusing brand name, trademark or logo or registering them directly or indirectly in Hungary. Other trademarks, brand names and logos mentioned on our site are owned by the person or entity identified therein, which rights are subjects to the same protection as the foregoing.
Responsibility for website content
We are striving to compile and publish the information on our website with the utmost care, and multiple checks. Nevertheless, do not rule out the possibility that in some cases false, misleading or incomplete data are displayed due to editing or other reason. As the information available on our website are for reference only, Music Fashion is not responsible for the accuracy of data, documents, information, pictures, diagrams, charts and graphics and so, that are suitable for use in your intended purpose, so the associated legal risk is fully borne by you. Accordingly, Music Fashion Ltd. assumes no responsibility on any of your directly or indirectly arising costs, expenses or damage including, of course, damages related to the loss of data and lost profits in connection with using them.
Other websites
For your convenience and better service our website may include URLs’ of other websites that are available by clicking on them. As Music Fashion Ltd. does not have any influence on the content of these websites, Music Fashion Ltd. is not responsible for the accuracy of data, documents, information, pictures, diagrams, charts and graphics and so, that are suitable for use in your intended purpose, so the associated legal risk is fully borne by you. Accordingly, Music Fashion Ltd. assumes no responsibility on any of your directly or indirectly arising costs, expenses or damage including, of course, damages related to the loss of data and lost profits in connection with using them.